Weekend Break

Hello Folks,

Welcome to the Break The Zone Newsletter !

So, How you doing this weekend ? How’s everything going ? Its May 20, 2023, How many target or goals you’ve accomplished this year ? Did you tried ? did you failed ? where you failing ? did you succeed ? let me know by replying your thoughts if you need any help !!

Elon Musk announced new CEO of twitter, Google released BARD. & Indiehacker are building products. & I’m dealing with clients. Life is very busy for everyone ! It depends on the path you choose. Some people enjoy on weekend, some people hustle on weekend. Different story, different people !

Never feel bad if you see someone enjoying on weekend and living their best life while you’re working ! Social Media is where people people share their happy, sad moments of life, that’s how we interreact with them. But there’re lot of people who never post a picture and never put a story and they’re enjoying their life so happily, there’re people who don’t use social media or if they use they don’t post anything ! Never judge anyone by social media presence.

So, that’s all I wanted to say today, so just chill and do your things & be happy. I understand one thing, life is not competition and if my friend is influencer or let’s say if he/she earning thousand of dollar doesn’t meant that I should be less happier comparing myself with them. Being ambitious is different thing and being happy with what you have is another things. I don’t remember that cartoon movie name, but that turtle master said that “tomorrow is mystery, past is history, today is gift that’s why its called present”,
so, I just mean wherever you’re my friends, live your present moment at the best with whomever you’re with, either you’re with you gf, family, or friends, or professionals, learn to enjoy the moments, learn to live the moments.

do you know ? I look back my college life, I today I feel, l lived my best, I look back 2022, it was my golden era for my apart from all the struggle. this is 2023, & as always I says, I’m figuring out this year also, & try to break the zone by power of being in my zone.

alright, that’s it, see you next time, until then enjoy, grow, make mistakes, learn & be happy.

Here’re some free products I launched on Gumroad👇

Here’s my best paid products to checkout on Gumroad👇


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