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AVPRENEUR hits your inbox every Sunday morning with amazing learning stuff and positive vibes to start your week.

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Let’s go ahead and get started:

Quote of the week:

“If you want to have the results only 5% have, you must be willing to do and think like only 5% do and think.” - Robin Sharma

Lesson I learnt from reading the book “The 5 AM Club”

Lesson One: Many successful people have a daily habit of rising early

Those who achieve fame and success aren’t simply born with talent and drive.

To be great, you’ve got to put in the work.

There have been many over the years that have committed to rising early every morning. The early wake-up sets a positive and productive tone for the day ahead.

You’d be surprised what you can achieve in only an hour every morning.

In the book, they talk about the 20/20/20 framework for the first hour of your day. The framework is three sets of twenty minutes for the following.

Physical exercise: This can be a gym session, some yoga, or even a short run.

Reflection: Fill in a journal, or meditate.

Learning: Read a book, listen to a podcast or read a newspaper

You can tweak the morning routine to suit you. For example, you may want a longer work out.

The routine should be done every day for 66 days, which is, on average, the time it takes to make a behavior a habit.

P.S.- I have failed many time, still I’m trying. We’re not machines, We’re humans.

This guy is absolutely master : Do Your Free MBA Here 👨🏻‍🎓

Books to read in your life-time📚

Damn’ I’m looking forward to it in future: STARTUP-TOOLS💲

Currently, I’m in my zone, alone & exploring & learning

There’s amazing resource which I found on Twitter for any Beginner, Intermediate or Expert to learn on “Investment”: It is shared by expert📈

“Do a favor to yourself”💪

“My motivation”✌️

Hit that💚 If you like today’s issue.

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Have a Sunday Funday, See you next weekend.

Follow me on Twitter Avinash Vagh


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